Raccoon Blog

Thoughts from Count Cedric Raccoonsworth Trashington III, Authorial Aristocrat of the Whispering Woods

Onyx Cage Announcement

Dearest Wooers of the Written Word, Forest Fiends, and Bookish Biscuits,

(I added the last one on as that seems to be the most popular moniker our fearless leaders have assigned to you.)

I come to you today with all the feral energy of one very sleep-deprived raccoon who has been doing his upmost to keep track of the goings on of ElBin.

Earlier today, they made the following announcement:

Since the announcement of Onyx Cage’s release, we have fielded many, many inquiries as to whether or not you will have Obsidian Throne from Evander’s point of view.

Originally, no… This was not the plan as we have many chapters from his POV in Obsidian Throne already… But this has apparently incited much distress for those of us who want all of his thoughts/chapters/smeggsiness in one place. Also, though, many of our readers have (rightfully) pointed out that by skipping Evander’s POV in Obsidian Throne, we’re missing out on a few pivotal scenes.

That being said… Onyx Cage is already a beast. We spoke a bit about this on our last LIVE video, but it’s already shaping up to be quite a thick book.

Soooo, after much deliberation and some pleading with our designers, editors, alpha and beta teams, and taking a deep look at our personal schedules over the next two months… we have decided to split Onyx Cage into two volumes.

We were fairly opposed to the idea at first, but ultimately, we think this will be for the best, and hopefully give you guys all of the pieces you are looking for in Evander’s story.

Volume I, which will still release on September 20, will cover the events within Scarlet Princess and Tarnished Crown.

Volume II, which will release in November, will cover Crimson Kingdom, Obsidian Throne, and (likely) some bonus epilogue content.

As for the audiobook, since we already have an appointment booked with the swoony Adam Gold, we will release it as one complete version after Volume 2 is finished.

We hope this is a happy surprise for all of you who have been waiting to read this story, and a relief to know you won’t have to wait long between pt. 1 and pt. 2!

We will be updating the Amazon listing ASAP, and if you haven’t yet, remember to pre-order your copy so you can dive into the story as soon as pt. 1 goes live!



Following said announcement on Facebook and Instagram, they asked readers to share an image of a bear. Why they didn’t choose a raccoon is beyond me, especially since we are clearly the more refined and adorable creature.

That is all I have for this latest, and very overdue update. I shall endeavor to keep you more regularly appraised of ElBin gossip and news, but until then… I nap.

Sincerely yours,

Count Cedric Raccoonsworth Trashington III, Authorial Aristocrat of the Whispering Woods

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Special Edition Books Update

Special Edition Books will be Shipping Soon

All the special edition books ordered earlier this year are expected to ship out this Fall, as expected. Emails will go out when they ship!

Thank you to everyone who supported us by purchasing these books!

- ElBin